Online tools
Find A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SOA DNS records of a host.
Get approximate IP details.
Take an IP and try to look for the domain/host associated with it.
Get all possible details about an SSL certificate.
Get all possible details about a domain name.
Ping a website, server or port..
Get all the HTTP headers that an URL returns for a typical GET request.
Get & verify the meta tags of any website.
Separate text back and forth by new lines, commas, dots...etc.
Remove all the emojis from any given text with ease.
Encode any string input to Base64.
Generated youtube links with exact start timestamp, helpful for mobile users.
Generate a URL slug for any string input.
Easily generate dummy text with the Lorem Ipsum generator.
Generate an MD2 hash for any string input.
Generate an MD4 hash for any string input.
Generate an MD5 hash of 32 characters length for any string input.
Generate a whirlpool hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-1 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-224 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-256 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-384 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-512 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-512/224 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-512/256 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-3/224 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-3/256 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-3/384 hash for any string input.
Generate a SHA-3/512 hash for any string input.
Compress and optimize images for a smaller image size but still high quality.
Convert a unix timestamp to UTC and your local date.
Convert a particular date to the unix timestamp format.
Upload a QR code image and extract the data out of it.
Upload a Barcode image and extract the data out of it.